Now is the time

Time To Give Positive Feedback

I recently worked with a top corporate executive and we were having a conversation about feedback.  She began telling me, that as a leader, she uses an authoritative style of feedback…sort of “this is the way it is done…do it this way.”  As a leader and coming from a non-American culture I became curious…so I

5 Tips For The PERFECT One-To-One With Your Staff

1.  SHOW UP Managers are busy, busy people.  It’s true.  In today’s hectic business world (or whirled) managers often do not have enough team members and everyone is loaded with work.  Because of this, managers tend to push off on their one-on-ones or tend to cancel…often.  This is not good.  When you cancel or reschedule

Being Courageously Vulnerable….Taking A Big Jump

I’ll take “What is Courageous Vulnerability for $1000, Alex!” What is Courageous Vulnerability? Think about a time in your life when you have been courageously vulnerable.  A time in your life when you “jumped out of the plane” not knowing what would happen.  Maybe it was applying for a specific job.  Maybe it was dating

Letting Go…A New Year’s Resolution

As we move into the new year, we always hear about creating resolutions and goals.  This year I would like to bring something a little different to the table. I have worked with several new business owners this year who are great at what they do, but as an owner, have never had to “sell”

Do You Live On Balance Street?

I was walking around Jackson Square in San Francisco recently when I came upon something interesting. Here, in the middle of the city, was Balance Street. Balance Street is a tiny little street with no doors. This itty bitty alley made me think. As a metaphor for life…What would be on your Balance Street on

The Same Old Ways Do Not Work Anymore

Stop!  You can change your ways AND still get team engagement and better yet…get BETTER RESULTS. CASE STUDY 1:  Presentations One of my clients recently came to the table with the concern that her presentations for her team were becoming boring.  The challenge she faced was the fact that she would have to present at

Accountability and Engagement…Are You In?

I have recently been working with some clients who have asked me to hold them accountable to help them achieve their goals.  Of course, I think to myself, “I am the coach…of course I will hold them accountable…that is my job!”  Or is it? When I would assign a project to a client such as

Are You Telling Yourself A Story That Is TRUE?

As we go about our busy everyday life, we can often get bogged down in negative self-sabotaging thoughts.  Often these come in the form of, “I’m not good enough….” or “People will think or say……about me”.  Often we are the great creators of self-fiction.  For example, have you ever made up a story or scenario

Welcome to COMPLETE: Life and Business Coaching

I love what I get to do for a living! How many people can say that? As a Certified Professional Life and Business Corporate Coach I get to work with diverse populations to help them lead fulfilling lives both personally and professionally. There are three parts to my business: I do Life Coaching, private Business/Executive