Now is the time

Are You Telling Yourself A Story That Is TRUE?

As we go about our busy everyday life, we can often get bogged down in negative self-sabotaging thoughts.  Often these come in the form of, “I’m not good enough….” or “People will think or say……about me”.  Often we are the great creators of self-fiction.  For example, have you ever made up a story or scenario in your head that goes something like this…”If he says this to me, then I am going to do this.”  Or, “I know they probably think (fill in the blank) about me, so I am not going to…..”

These self sabotaging thoughts and stories are often not true.  We are powerless over people, places and things on many different levels.  (I cannot control other peoples reactions and actions).

As for myself, I know that I create stories in my head.  Often, I have to be conscientiously conscious to be in the moment, stop myself and ask….”What is really TRUE here?”

As my coach Allen tells me, and as I will also mention, “What is the true story you want to tell and believe.”  Like walking into an ice cream store, we get to choose whatever flavor (story) we like.  What flavor ice cream are you going to choose and what flavor will you choose to leave behind?

adminAre You Telling Yourself A Story That Is TRUE?