Now is the time

Do You Live On Balance Street?

balancestreet2I was walking around Jackson Square in San Francisco recently when I came upon something interesting. Here, in the middle of the city, was Balance Street.

Balance Street is a tiny little street with no doors. This itty bitty alley made me think. As a metaphor for life…What would be on your Balance Street on each side of the road

For me, people always ask, “Eli, how do you run a Coaching business, a Media/Design business and teach 6 aerobic classes a week AND still keep in balance?”

Yes, I do have an exceptionally full life, but it works. I see coaching clients every other week. I have a sensational team who help me on the Marketing/Design side of my other business. And I get paid to work out (which is my gym time) teaching 6 classes a week. I also make sure I have some down time during the week. And dare I say, I try to take a small siesta in my day to get some rest as typically I am up at 5-6am everyday.

I don’t believe anyone has a perfect balance in their life. What I know is that we all know when we are IN BALANCE vs. OUT OF BALANCE.

Following are some questions to check to see if you are living a good life on BALANCE STREET.

Are You “Balanced”?


At the end of the day, do you feel you are taking care of others more than yourself?
Do you feel like you have had enough time to yourself to feel re-charged to keep you going or do you feel the weight of the world is on your shoulders?
Are you easily aggravated?


Are you able to complete tasks in a timely manner?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and disorganized at work?

Are you able to “shut down” from work or is it continuously on your mind?

Are you easily aggravated?


Do you let your brain shut down?

Do you live in a sense of serenity or frenetic chaos?


Do you find yourself having illnesses? More aches and pains?

Are you exhausted all the time?


Knowing how your life is today, what could better balance bring you? What is important about that?

What can you let go of / add to bring further balance in your life?

What would it look like to feed yourself spiritually to be in more serenity?

Are you loving your body as you should with healthy foods and exercise?

What one change are you willing to do starting right now to attain more balance?

adminDo You Live On Balance Street?