Now is the time

Accountability and Engagement…Are You In?

I have recently been working with some clients who have asked me to hold them accountable to help them achieve their goals.  Of course, I think to myself, “I am the coach…of course I will hold them accountable…that is my job!”  Or is it?

When I would assign a project to a client such as “Let me know when you do….by Thursday” or “Will you follow up with me on Monday”, the client would always say Yes, but I would not hear from them.  As a coach, I follow up with them.  However, the pattern repeats, and I would wonder, “Are they telling me a story?  Are they actually WILLING to make the changes they want or is something bigger going on here?”

Personally, I believe that sometimes clients believe they “should” be doing certain task items to reach their goals instead of “wanting” to accomplish certain tasks.  Thus came the question, “How engaged are my clients in reaching their goals.”

A great example is a client who works as a business executive and leader.  She is also an artist.  What I learned through our sessions is that she can spend hours on art as she is engaged.  However, professionally, she procrastinates and is fearful.  Together we are examining working with the same energy and engagement she gives her art and what the possibilities are to bring that same type of engagement to her work.  She loves the creativity and joy art brings her, yet has not been able to bring that creativity (a very strong value for her) to her job.  Today she is adding creativity to her work to make it more fun and fulfilling, especially for tasks that she procrastinates on.

Another example came from the entrepreneur man who wants to grow his business but does not like technology.  He is not a big fan of creating and updating websites and does not enjoy working on social media.  When he first came to me he kept telling me, “I need to grow my business and I have a website which I hate working on.  I also do not like Facebook or Twitter.  But I do need them.”  The learning:  Technology does not engage this client.  As a matter of fact he hates it.  Through getting curious, I asked the client how did he get most of his business.  The answer: Networking.  He loves networking and talking with people face to face.

Through keeping him engaged in areas of marketing this client does enjoy, we began to see powerful results.  We looked at other possibilities where he could network including providing free seminars, his social networks and giving a fun cocktail party.

Just because we “should” do something, does not mean we will do it or get the desired results we want or need.  What does being engaged mean for you?  What do you need to do to become engaged in reaching your needed or wanted goals?

adminAccountability and Engagement…Are You In?