Now is the time

How Will You “Show Up” In 2017??

Welcome to January 2017.

As we begin a fresh New Year we all know that many changes will be coming our way. Some of these changes will be of our own choosing and others will not. Some of these changes will challenge our beliefs and values. Others will align with how we stand in the world and our goals.

As a business coach, a man, a friend, a co-worker, a family member, a human…I get to choose how I will “show up” and “be” in the world.

It is a New Year and without a shadow of a doubt, there will be many changes and challenges in store for all of us.  For many, 2016 was a tumultuous year.  2016 challenged many people as it relates to beliefs and values both personally and professionally.  I believe 2017 will bring more of the same.  The question is, “How do you want to ‘show up’ both personally and professionally in 2017?”

When we look at the New Year, we must look at who we are as a “brand”.  Yes, like Nike and Apple, we ARE a brand.  For example, what do you like about these brands (or any of your favorite brands)?  Reliability.  Quality.  Reputation.  These are all words one can use.  But it goes further.  People are a “brand” as well.

When you think of Steph Curry or Taylor Swift, what are their “brands”?  I believe they always come across positively and with good intentions for themselves and others.  Now think about your professional world.  Who do you admire?  What do you admire about him/her?  What is their “brand”?

We all have our own professional “brands”.  For example, as for me, I have had my own businesses since 2000 and before that led other businesses in leadership roles.  My brand is that I bring my own authenticity and humanity to my roles.  I believe I always try to go the extra mile to make my clients happy.  I am a man of my word.  I show up on time and am accountable.  I guarantee 1 business day response in emails and voice mail.  Always.  I try to maintain a positive attitude for my clients and people I work with and for.  I have always had a strong value of trying to do my best for my clients.  Their success is my success.  On most days, when I complete my day, I believe I have done the best possible job I can for both myself and my clients.  Am I perfect?  No!  But, as a part of my “brand” I am always willing to learn and grow.  As a leader, I KNOW there is always more to learn and more ways to grow.

Recently at an important client lunch, I noticed my colleague/client started to become silent during a conversation which switched to politics and Donald Trump.  I realized we were both on opposite sides of the “aisle” and while I was speaking he became silent.  It was then that I had to look at my “brand” and to recognize that in this area we did not share the same belief and that it was OK.  I also realized that I needed to look at this internally and recognize that even though we may not agree on areas politically, this is business.  How did I want to show up and be with this man?  In this moment, how was I, as a “brand” showing up?  So in that moment, I stepped back and kept my opinion to myself as I respect my colleague whether we share all the same viewpoints or not.  I needed to align myself back to my “brand” of maintaining a positive attitude and in this situation, keeping my political opinion to myself.

Here is what I DO know.  It takes a lifetime to develop and maintain a “brand” or reputation.  It can take just ONE BAD THING to take your brand down.  Just ask Bill Cosby or Lance Armstrong.  How do you want to be known?  Are you the person who goes the extra mile and works hard and is caring or are you the person who turns in work late and is snarky?  Are you the person who appears professional or are you the person who is the “party boy or gal”?  Are you the person who always has to be right or are you open to new perspectives?  As professionals, we do get to make the choice on how we show up in the world.

This New Year will ask a great deal of all of us.  I believe our country has never been so divided especially when it comes to our core values and beliefs…personally and professionally.  As a professional, how do you want to “show up” this year?  As part of your “brand” what do you need to strengthen?  Where can you see areas or times when you might be out of alignment?  What will you need to do for your brand?

I have told people around me that, for me, all I can do is take it one day at a time and to bring my best self to the universe.  Sometimes I will fail…I know that.  And when I fail, I can learn and grow.

I know this year the universe will challenge me and I also know I can choose to live in fear or in faith. As one of my wise mentors says, “You can be right or you can be happy…which do you want to choose?”  How about you?

So with a New Year already started, I wish you much joy, peace and prosperity.  It is my hope that together we can “show up and be” our very best…one day at a time.


adminHow Will You “Show Up” In 2017??